Refresh Your Skin Regimen for the New Year

Refresh Your Skin Regimen for the New Year - Sente Labs

New year, new skincare resolutions! As you make your New Year’s resolutions, there’s no better time to refresh your routine with some New Year’s skincare products. After all, this is the time of year when you make positive lifestyle changes that will (hopefully!) become lasting habits. Fortunately, updating your approach to skincare is one of the easier resolutions on your list — simply buy the products you need and start using them regularly! 

Here are two must-have Senté products to keep your skin healthy and glowing into the new year and beyond.

Bio Complete Serum

A woman holding Senté Bio Complete Serum

If you’ve been interested in retinol, but hesitant to try it because of its notorious reputation for harshness and irritation, now is the time to add it to your skin regimen. Senté Bio Complete Serum is a vitamin A serum that’s formulated with two forms of sustained-release retinoids — retinol and retinyl safflower — that are gentle enough even for those with sensitive skin. The retinoids in this versatile formula boost skin cell turnover for a more even-looking complexion. The serum also contains a unique peptide blend that helps to promote collagen production for firmer, stronger, tighter, and plumper skin.

Senté Bio Complete Serum also contains Heparan Sulfate Analog (HSA) technology, Senté’s patented formula of the naturally occurring molecule. HSA beautifully complements retinol because it enhances the skin’s natural ability to renew itself and boosts the skin’s immune response to inflammation, allowing you to enjoy the rejuvenating benefits of retinol as part of your skin regimen without the negative side effects.

New Year’s skincare resolutions mean new ingredients! Senté Bio Complete Serum is the perfect introduction for first-time retinol users, but it’s also potent and efficacious enough for experienced users. This is a very well-rounded product that offers a myriad of anti-aging benefits, reducing dryness and visible redness and improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Even if you’ve never considered using retinol in the past, this is one of the best New Year’s skincare products to try out because the synergistic formula goes far beyond the usual retinoids on the market. In a clinical study, 82% of Bio Complete Serum showed an improvement in skin evenness in just 8 weeks. Add it to your skin regimen — the results can be astonishing!

Dermal Repair Cream

A woman holding Senté Dermal Repair Cream

Senté Dermal Repair Cream is a deeply hydrating cream that’s formulated with our proprietary HSA technology to rebuild from within while boosting the skin’s immune response to inflammation. This medical-grade cream also contains potent antioxidants — vitamin E and green tea extract — to help reverse skin damage and inflammation caused by external stressors and irritants, such as free radicals, pollutants, visible blue light, and the sun’s ultraviolet light.

The great thing about Senté Dermal Repair Cream is that it targets the root causes of inflammation and skin damage, naturally combating the signs of aging that come with unhealthy skin. Like Bio Complete Serum, this is another one of the most versatile products you can add to your skin regimen. It helps to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin tone and texture, and helps to reduce visible redness.

A new year means skincare resolutions for a more even-looking complexion. In a clinical study, 100% of the participants had increased skin hydration starting from the second week through the completion of the eight-week study. Additionally, 73% of the participants showed an improved appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by the eighth week.

Even if you’re not currently struggling with damaged skin or inflammation, you’ll be glad to have Dermal Repair Cream on hand should the need for it arise. This cream makes an outstanding addition to any skin regimen because it doesn’t only renew damaged skin. It also delivers deep hydration, soothes irritation, and supports collagen production — powerful anti-aging benefits anyone will appreciate.

Browse All of Our Medical-Grade Products

A woman with clean skin and her hair wrapped in a towel

Because of their versatility and broad range of universal benefits, Senté Bio Complete Serum and Dermal Repair Cream are both superb choices for anyone seeking New Year’s skincare products. However, we also understand that each person’s skin is unique, and everyone has their own personal needs and preferences. Browse all of our skincare products and take our skincare quiz to find the products that align with your goals.

Regardless of which Senté products you add to your skin regimen, you’ll enjoy medical-grade formulas that are innovative, active, and efficacious. Senté products are also clean, easy to use, and cruelty-free, as well as non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic, paraben-free, and gluten-free. Experience the difference. Start the new year with skincare resolutions and a skincare routine that is backed by science, tested, and recommended by countless dermatologists and endorsed by 500+ physicians.

The views or external links featured on this blog represent the opinions of their respective contributors and may not necessarily reflect the position of Sente. All content is provided for informational/educational purposes and is based on personal experiences, observations, or research. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, Sente makes no representations or warranties about the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of the information presented. The information and opinions shared on this blog do not constitute medical advice. Readers are encouraged to independently verify information and should consult a qualified healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition.